MP Abala Tables Live Locusts before Parliament, Protests Inadequate Gov’t Intervention

The Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga has ordered the Sargent at Arms to commit Desert locusts that were tabled before Parliament to safe custody as members expressed fear that they would cause a swarm of invasion in the city centre.

The locusts samples had been tabled before Parliament by Ngora County MP David Abala as proof to the Nation that the locusts invaded the country.

The Speaker made the directive during today’s plenary after the Government Chief Whip, Ruth Nankabirwa and Rubaga North MP Moses Kasibante argued that there was no need for Abala to bring samples of locusts to Kampala because no one is doubting existence of locusts in the country.

Nankabirwa raised fear that these locusts might invade Kampala hence suggesting they should be handed to sergeant at arms of which the speaker adhered to as she directed.

“I would like to propose that the honorable hands over the live desert locusts to the Seargent at Arms for disposable because Kampala can be invaded by these live insects,” Nankabirwa said.

Abala earlier castigated Government for not intervening in Ngora district as locusts invaded despite reports that Shs15Bn had been allocated to fight locusts.

“From Saturday, Sunday, Monday and up to today, the locusts have been in the area but there has been no intervention from government; they have also been laying eggs, I want government to come out and spray the locusts as early as possible,” Abala said.

MP Abala hands over live locusts to the Sargent at Arms for safe custody

The Minister of State for Animal Husbandry, Bright Rwamirama said that government is doing all that it takes to fight the locusts despite the inadequate funding that was given.

“Out of the money that was given Shs11bn went to pay arrears, actually the money we received was not adequate,” Rwamirama said.

The Speaker further asked the Minister to always have a weekly update to parliament about these locusts as they move swiftly and might invade the entire country.

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